NASA Seeks Comments on Moon to Mars Objectives by June 3

May 17, 2022

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"As NASA moves forward with plans to send astronauts to the Moon under Artemis missions to prepare for human exploration of Mars, the agency is calling on U.S. industry, academia, international communities, and other stakeholders to provide input on its deep space exploration objectives" as NASA reports.

NASA has extended the comment period on its Moon to Mars Objectives to 5 p.m. EDT on Friday, June 3. Comments were previously set to close on Tuesday, May 31. While the agency is working on a tight deadline to finalize the objectives this fall, numerous respondents requested additional time to provide higher quality feedback. The agency still intends to invite select participants to its workshops this summer to include the first event in June as originally planned. "

Credits: NASA

NASA Seeks Comments on Moon to Mars Objectives by June 3